About me
My name is Meg Richardson (CCAB)
I am passionate about animals, and I've always had a keen interest in animal behaviour and training. After experiencing behaviour issues with my first dog and overcoming them, I developed a passion for wanting to help pet owners with their own animals' behaviour concerns.
As someone who has experienced the heartache and difficulties of caring for a dog with behaviour issues, I understand how upsetting it can be, especially when you feel at a loss and like you've already tried everything to help your dog. I was keen to help my dog and understand more about dog behaviour and training, so I embarked on the journey to becoming a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB).
When I started seeing cases, I realised how rewarding it can be to support others with their dog's behaviour concerns. I have now supported many owners and their dogs, and I intend to support many more!
I am a qualified and experienced Clinical Animal Behaviourist, with many years of experience working with dogs.
“We're feeling much more positive about the behaviour issues working out and what to do. I just wanted to say a massive thanks for helping us.”
Cooper and Jazz
My work in the industry includes:
Work in boarding and rescue kennels - I've worked with a wide variety of dogs, including many different breeds, sizes and ages!
Assisting in dog training classes and providing 1-2-1 dog training instruction.
Observing and leading animal behaviour consultations independently and under the supervision of other professionals.
Conducting dog behaviour consultations as an associate behaviourist at Second Nature Behaviour Ltd
Providing follow-up sessions for Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals
My qualifications:
First Class BSc (Hons) Degree in Animal Behaviour & Welfare from Harper Adams University
BTEC Extended Diploma in Animal Management
I am a registered Animal Training Instructor (ATI) with the (ABTC).
I am a certificated member of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC)
I am a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC).
I am a full member of the Professional Association of Canine Trainers (PACT).
I am a Clinical Animal Behaviourist and kept updated by methods backed by science
I follow a strict code of conduct, and am a registered ATI and CAB with ABTC, and a CCAB.
I have learned from and practised with other qualified professionals
I advocate the use of reward-based training methods
Woody's story
Woody is a Welsh Collie, who I obtained as a puppy from a farm 15 years ago. At this time, I did not have a great deal amount of knowledge about dog behaviour, and had not done as much research as I should have! Woody turned out to be very playful and loving, but also quite a challenge. Woody developed a fear of gunshot noises when he reached around 1-2 years of age. Woody's fear generalised to all loud bangs, and he also became fearful of fireworks and emergency vehicle sirens. Woody then became agraphobic, and stopped wanting to go for walks.
My experience with Woody's behaviour concerns struck an interest in dog behaviour and training, and I wanted to understand how to help woody. I then embarked on my degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Harper Adams University, saught advice from mentors and tutors (who were accredited behaviourists), and did A LOT of studying, research, and observing behaviour cases led by Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourists.
From this experience, I learned methods to help manage Woody's fear, by changing my expectations of what was important for Woody, making sure Woody's needs were met, checking there were no potential physiological factors (such as pain) causing the behaviour, and using reward-based training methods (such as 'desensitisation' and 'counter-conditioning') to help Woody overcome his fears. With some determination and hard work on my part, Woody learned that noises and walks were no longer something to be afraid of!
Woody is now 15 years old, and loves going for our daily adventures in the fields around our home. My experience treating Woody's behaviour issues caused a desire to help others who also experience behaviour concerns with their own dogs.
Get to know me!
Arrange a free discovery phone call with me to discuss the behaviour or training concerns you're experiencing with your dog. Use the opportunity to ask me questions about me and my services. Together, we can decide which support package will suit you and your dog best.
Send me an email, text or give me a call to arrange.
07554 233 926